ETEC 540 Task 9
Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data
After file loaded, the quiz data result looks a bit random to me at first sight. Then I load by community and target, while some of the dimensions are confusing (see graph on left hand), I roughly fumbled my way and try to find pattern of selection by communities.
My selection critieria when doing the survey is simple - try to include as much diversity as possible to represent different races, countries, culture, across history era, in order to represent whole human concept. The interactive graphs show some correlation between the selector community background and the songs they choose but not significant. Given the missing data regarding the selectors background (education background, nationality, age, gender etc.) the facet dimensions are blurred. The selections made by participants often reflect their
cultural backgrounds, personal values, and interests. For example, someone
from a Western country might prioritize classical music, while someone
from another region might choose traditional folk music or indigenous
sounds. This data can reveal patterns in how different groups perceive
what is "universal" or "representative" of humanity. By comparing responses across different demographics (age,
nationality, education level), the data can highlight the diversity of
perspectives on what constitutes a meaningful representation of humanity.
The data does not reveal an objective or
universal representation of humanity. Instead, it reflects subjective choices
influenced by individual and cultural perspectives, which could be random based on the selectors mood of the day. While the quiz shows what participants choose, it does not
necessarily reveal why they made those choices or how deeply they
understand the cultural or historical significance of their selections. The data does not show how these choices might change over
time or in different contexts. For example, would participants make the
same choices if they had more time to reflect or access to any additional
information? While the data might show trends in cultural preferences, it
does not provide a comprehensive understanding of the broader cultural,
historical, or social contexts that shape those preferences.
In summary, the Golden Record Curation Quiz data
provides valuable insights into individual and cultural perspectives but has
limitations in revealing deeper reasoning, universal truths, or broader
contexts. It is best used as a starting point for exploration and discussion
rather than a definitive measure of what represents humanity.
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