ETEC 540 Task 10: Attention Economy

I tried over 5 times but still failed to proceed to the next page. The page is terribly designed:

1. On portal page, the click "click HERE to GO to next page" does not work by click the underlined, nor BOLDED word, nor coloured word. Confusing enough, I tried to click everywhere on the page and randomly, I was directed to the first page of test.

2. Before I realize what just happened, the first test design is confusing and misleading:

- password set up first, email second;

- the instruction to set up password is small, in green colour, making it hard to read. The requirement for password set up is complicated.

- default setting is NOT agree with terms & conditions. To proceed next, user need to untick the box.

- bolded instruction button is Cancel, rather than Next

-when type in email, the background word does not disappear by themselves. Rather, user need to delete the background instruction word in grey by themselves.

- after trial and error to set up password, time is up! a pop up window showing time is up and my screen is automatically locked with no chance to unlock.

- a pop up window in red showing warning message asking me if using cookies the moment when this page pops out.

This is a frustrating process and my patience is weathering off. The poorly designed interface and user experience bars off anyone who might be interested. To summarize, elements below made the whole form filling process even more frustrating and time consuming.

  • Confusing instructions: Text that changes or is hard to read.

  • Misleading buttons: Buttons that move or don't do what you expect.

  • Hidden elements: Important fields or options that are hard to find.

  • Counterintuitive interactions: For example, requiring you to uncheck a box to proceed.

  • Time pressure: A timer that adds stress to the experience.

To compare with daily real life experience, the GUI is so much better - clear instruction, default setting in line with majority preference, no timer, clear navigation and feedback. The pre-setting can definitely be misleading and important. I have to admit I lost patience and got upset from this website experience. It is purely misleading, confusing, time consuming and frustrating. 


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