ETEC 540: What's in your bag?

As probably one of the few MET members who comes from non-education academic background, being an educator has always been my dream since young. Born and raised in Shanghai, China, I moved to Hong Kong to start my career in 2009 and have been working in finance industry for over 15 years since college graduation. Last April, during MET course, I successfully delivered twin boys who brought overwhelming joy, excitement and challenges to the family. So now I am a proud mom, full time employee for one of the world renown investment banks and a MET student!

Photo on the left is a recent photo taken during Xmas time in Hong Kong. My lovely boys are now officially 9 months old!

Taking a look in my daily bag, I have been tried to keep things as simple as possible, and prefer a neat style that helps me keep important things handy. Calculator is for work as my job function requests me to do simple maths when meeting clients but need 4 decimal places so I carry calculator basically everywhere I go. My diary helps keep me reminded of to-do list (which can be long from work and family chores), two iphones (one for work, one personal mobile), earphones, hand sanitizers, car key, lip stick, tissues and card holder. As most payment can be done via electronic wallet, i.e. apple pay, wechat pay, etc, card holder is still necessary to carry ID, Octopus (public transportation card), door access card to office and home...Just to list a few. 

If compared with 15 or 20 years ago when I was still a college student, bag content is totally different as smartphone was not that common back then. Bringing two iphones is beyond imagination. Earphones definitely look different - from wire to wireless. I would have to bring a big bunch of heavy keys around while now, almost all keyless and use fingerprint or other biometric identify to unlock the doors.

Obviously smartphone is a must to stay connected to work, families, everything in our life. We rely on smartphones to do everything: payment, information storage, news, emails, social media, game, bank account, photo, translator, food order, taxi/ name it. It is hard to believe how we live when there was no smartphone!

The powerful function of smartphone allows our bag to be lighter so if you notice the fashion trend, it is no longer chill to bring big bag around for women. Bags for women are getting smaller and smaller, more as a fashion icon or lifestyle representation instead of physically carry things. This is an interesting project as I seldom notice what I carry in the bag everyday and think about what it means from the bag content evolution - it evolves together with the technology migration.


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