IP 8 Attentional Record and Analysis It is interesting to record how my time, focus and attention is allocated in a typical weekday :D Obviously, I am multi-tasking every minute if no every second...thanks to the highly accessible and instant feed from my iPhone, iPad, PC...sometimes, I even want those gadgets to plug in my brain so that i can skip the visual information in-take process to get immediate response from the expected, or, unexpected...but take some time to ponder, how much information is indeed what I need, and some are passively taken in, and a bit waste of time to digest and delete? Yves Citton bring up an interesting concept of “attention economy” in her book “the Ecology of Attention” with live examples. Google lives off this attention in two ways. On one side, our searches – our interests, our questions, our clicking choices, or even the time spent on one page, the links we establish or activate – give abundant information and personal data to Google’s intelligen...
Showing posts from February, 2024
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IP 5 Global Health COIVD-19 pandemic is a big bang on global education system which accelerates or, to some extent, push all education institutions to reflect the teaching model when no in-person instruction could take place, whether agree or not, accept or not, across all ages and grades, rural area or urban, developed or underdeveloped regions. I would call it “ techceleration ” in education system. Global health crisis lays the new foundation of education, technology makes it executionable and becomes the main teaching method under the big backdrop. The fast growing technology in education further strengthen the development of technology itself – the fast growing new apps, new gadgets, new education content provider – making technology in education more accessible across all levels of audience – adult or kids, science or art, language or geography – you name it. While technology in education liberalized the space and time for students to learn,...